Sunday, May 11, 2008

Nine Months!

Nine month excitement! This last month has been packed with more important firsts. The twins discovered stairs this month. It seems like one day the stairs didn't exist and the next they transformed into a favorite toy. Patrick led the way conquering the laundry room step and quickly mastered the entire staircase! Cassidy was a little behind Patrick in the stair climbing phenomenon and just climbed her first flight of stairs this evening (5/15). Standing is something else the babies added to their impressive list of firsts. Patrick once again led the pack and after his first taste of standing began to pull up on everything. He is extremely efficient at getting to everything he desires within possible reach and loves to play with toys on the fireplace hearth. Cassidy was a few weeks behind Patrick on standing and pulling up on things.......she first began to pull her body up and sit on her knees. Just this week she has mastered pulling up to her feet and standing. They are both extremely fast crawlers! If they decide to get to something watch out! Patrick has a more consistent speed while Cassidy has normal and turbo speed. If she is crawling along and suddenly sees something exciting poof she's gone. Is this an early indicator of a future sprinter? We sure can't wait to find out! Patrick crawls to what he wants and then sits to play with his new find. Cassidy plays on her stomach or sits on her knees but doesn't go from crawling to sitting as of yet. We enjoyed more finger foods this month, started baby sign language, and began going on lots of walks outside with BOB. It's amazing to think of all the exciting adventures that await us next month!

Nine month weights:
Patrick 20lbs 4 oz (50%)
Cassidy 15lbs 14 oz (5%)

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