Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Adventures with BOB

Patrick had a fever of 102 today and threw up once. I wanted to attribute his crankiness to teething......but then the fever came on.

Cassidy's hand missed the table while she was trying to pull herself up and bam......nose dive into the table quickly followed by gushing blood.

This evening our house was not full of happy joyful baby sounds.........scream upon endless scream tormented me (in the babies defense they were NOT happy). It came to the point where I was going to put them both down for a late nap, shut the nursery door, and go downstairs and turn the music up as loud as possible. Then the thought dawned on me.............BOB loves the babies and the babies love BOB. I'd take them on a walk! I made a mad dash for jackets and a blanket and quickly strapped my blood curdling screaming darlings into their seats. I started walking away from the house, and the further we walked, the quieter the crying became until the babies started babbling to each other. I aimlessly wondered away from the house.........the babies were quiet and so long as they were quiet we were going to keep on walking.

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