Thursday, May 15, 2008


Let me start with a disclaimer: I BATHE MY CHILDREN!!!!! They are NOT disheveled, mangy, unkempt kids. Wednesday morning I noticed Patrick had developed red dots on his stomach. Directly after changing his diaper, I changed Cassidy and inspected her recent eczema break out. Her legs definitely looked red and broken out, but I could also see red dots. Questioning the coincidence that both of my children had red dots on their precious bodies I decided to investigate further; I called my mother-in-law. Doctor Judy told me it sounded like measles and to call the doctor. If she told me to call the doctor I figured Steve would have to cut his ultra hypochondriac of a wife some slack. The nurse told me to come in immediately and I had an appointment 40 minutes later (it is no easy feat to get two children dressed, fed, in the car, and to the doctor in 40 minutes!) Once seen, the doctor proclaimed them diseased (see darling husband, I don't overreact all the time!) with a diagnosis of Impetigo. Impetigo is extremely contagious and while I have always thought it cute when the babies play together in the bath......that happens to be how Patrick got his rash (I use the same washcloth to scrub them both down). Cassidy got an infection from her eczema that caused the Impetigo (and in turn passed it on to Patrick). She is much worse than Patrick and her impetigo has progressed into something I can't pronounce. The babies both have to use a topical ointment three times a day for a week and Cassidy needs oral medication in addition to the ointment three times a day for a week. She then needs to be reinspected by the doctor in a week and hopefully will be pronounced healthy! Ahh the joys of being a twin.......

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