Kara invited the twins and I to go to story time at the library. I thought she was joking at first...........I was imaging our children and the chorus of screams that is inevitable when we get together. Now add a nice quiet library to the mix and I'm sure the looks we'd get would rival those of our fellow plane passengers as they saw us boarding their plane. Kara was quite serious. Apparently there is Mother Goose story time for babies up to eighteen months old. Although sceptical at first I
diligently packed the babies up and
trekked over to
Loussac. When we arrived there were quite a few moms each with a child (Kara and I were the only ones not on a one-to-one ratio). Our group stuck out from the crowd.........between the two of us we had five children. Thank goodness Kara's mom came to help!!! The babies were enthralled with all the other babies and sat wide eyed starring around the room. Then the sweet old librarian started singing nursery rhymes and even had a
puppet that talked to the babies. Needless to say they loved
story time; which really was only one short story and lots of fun songs like the
itsy bitsy spider and twinkle twinkle little star. Patrick's favorite part of the day was chewing on the rhyme covered green paper handout. The afternoon was such a success that Kara and I are going to try to go bi-monthly!
1 comment:
I'm quite envious! Your photo of story time is much better than mine. I'm blaming my lack of a decent photo on Kara who told me I could not take photos during story time. (Why is she in charge of me anyway?!)
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