Friday, April 11, 2008

8 Months of Joy!

The twins have had colds which have gotten progressively worse over the last week or so. Patrick is the worst with a raspy cough and heavy panting you can hear from across the room. He also has been pulling at his right ear quite a bit the past few days. We went to the doctor to get the twins checked out..........I didn't want Patrick to have a ruptured ear drum! The doctor said he had a virus, his ears looked great, and sent us on our merry way. The big news from the visit was how much the babies weigh. The size gap is widening!!! Patrick weighed 19lbs 5oz and Cassidy weighed 15lbs 5oz!!!!!!!!

To celebrate the twins 8 month birthday I've been trying to think of all the amazing things they have learned this month. Here is my list.........

Patrick is our clicker. He loves to click when he is happy. Cassidy makes raspberries (blowing her lips) and "talks" to herself all the time. They both say mommy and dada. Cassidy says baba. Cassidy pants when she gets excited.

They both crawl. Cassidy is much faster than Patrick and they stay on the carpet.......for some reason the wood floor is uncharted territory. Cords are fascinating and they will crawl at triple speed to get to them. If mommy leaves they both (Cassidy especially) try to catch her.

Patrick can pull his head over the side of the crib........when I come into get him after nap time he is peering over the edge of his crib with a huge grin.

They sleep in separate cribs now.

They love their pacifiers.........and develop a keen interest in the one the other baby currently has.

Their favorite toys are blocks, their tent, and all of their button toys (sounds are great!)

They hold their own bottles

We have a strict bedtime! We have a routine! They sleep through the night!! (well mostly)

As you can see this month the babies have learned quite a bit! We can't wait to see what surprises next month brings.

The doctor gave me really fun sticks!
My ear still hurts:(I can crawl on my hands and knees now!

I got you mommy!!!!!

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