Saturday, April 19, 2008

Ode to Soy

Before you get too excited about my ode, it is purely metaphorical. I'm not that creative!

While uploading the many pictures I compulsively take of the babies I was sidetracked. is my favorite store (let me clarify online store before Fred Meyer thinks I would dare cheat on them!).........where else do you get free shipping that actually is free to Anchorage? Costco I must say is a close second. I was perusing through their baby items when the thought dawned on me $30 for 16oz's of Alimentum or $33 for 36oz's of soy? What would preclude us from trying soy? Cassidy has a milk why are we spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on this awful smelling (and tasting) formula???? For no reason other than the fact that the Doctor said to give her the expensive stuff!!!!!!!!! Not a great reason I decided and so soy is our new best friend. So far Cass seems to be doing well and Steve is letting me leave a few more lights on:)

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