Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The Nursery
We moved just in time for the twins to be born. In my preeclampsia comatose decorating the nursery was the last thing on my mind. The babies move into their room coincided with the additional bill of formula and once again decorating the nursery was pushed aside. The family friend who gave us our second crib also gave us this entire bedding set, wall decorations, and pillows! While this isn't exactly up to Martha Stewart's standards I'm quite pleased to have a little color!!!!!!
Patrick sleeps on the left and Cassidy sleeps in the crib on the right
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Busy Weekend
Life with three children rarely leaves room for entertaining. Steve and I had a very ambitious weekend and while we haven't had guests over for quite a few months (not counting family) suddenly three events appeared all in the same weekend. The weather, which had been lovely, turned on us and went from the balmy 50's with no snow to 28 and two feet of snow! Ahh, only in Alaska. Friday we had some clients over for dinner and Steve grilled...........yes he is amazing. In the middle of the snow storm he braved the deck and conquered the grill. Saturday we had some family friends over for dinner, and Sunday morning we had my dad, his girlfriend, and her daughter and boyfriend over for brunch. Sunday afternoon we were all exhausted!!!! Here are a few pictures of the kids playing............and the unwelcome snow!

Cassidy, Mommy, and Patrick

Spring in Alaska.................
Friday, April 25, 2008
Play Dates........for the Babies?
Kara and I get the kids together at least once a week............lately it has been more frequent. After eight months of play dates we finally witnessed all four of them playing!!! Granted it wasn't necessarily playing together, but it was at the same time. We can only hope that in another eight months they will be playing at the same time and with each other. Sometimes I wonder about our ambitious goals.................

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My Favorite Blanket
We have a collection of say we have a few would be an understatement. Cassidy could care less which blanket accompanies her to nap time or bed. Patrick on the other hand has developed an attachment. It isn't the blanket their great grandmother spent hundreds of pain staking hours knitting, or the hand made baby quilts we were given. It isn't even one of the cute $15 blankets I splurged on at Wal-Mart. No, this blanket is special. This blanket, which must be in Patrick's crib, is a pink blanket I spent 50 cents on at a garage sale. Steve cringes every time he sees him with it........what father wouldn't? In my defense I must confess that the babies did sleep together for the first seven months of their and blue were side by side. And so my poor son now has a pink, very loved blankie. Just look on the bright side.......he has never worn pink clothes:)
Stroller Envy
It's funny how life changes so inexplicably when you have children. The center of the universe suddenly revolves solely around them. In past birthday's I might have pined after jewelry, shoes, or purses. This year however, everything I want relates back to the twins. Who ever would have thought I'd want a stroller as a birthday present??????
Kara is a great antagonist for baby related gear I think I need. She is the stroller queen (currently she has eight!) The one stroller I have is not designed for is more of a mall type contraption. So what do we NEED? A jogging stroller with a swivel wheel, cup holders, and cushioned seats. The Cadillac of joggers, the greatest invention of all time..........the BOB. BOB comes with quite a hefty price tag, Cadillac's after all aren't cheap.
We went for a walk yesterday with Kara and the kidlets........and her brand new BOB. The boys rode in the Peg Perego and the girls had the luxury of BOB. It was love at first ride!!!
How am I going to justify this large expenditure?
* I have taken the babies on daily walks since the sun has appeared (4 days in a row now!)
* We are doing the heart run on Saturday..........and could use BOB for many other races
*I used to run.........I can become an avid jogger! Exercise is good!
*Getting out of the house keeps me sane (and who wants to live with an insane mommy?)
*If I use the jogger for three summers (it has a 100lb weight capacity) that would only be $100 per summer..........if I sell it on craigslist for $150 when our family is done with it.
*All of the large baby items we have needed thus far have been given to us or purchased secondhand. Don't the babies (and their mommy) deserve something new? (If a BOB appeared on craigslist I would snap it up in a heartbeat.........but so far there haven't been any)
*BOB can be used in the winter!
*I would never be alone with the babies...........I'd have BOB:)
*Not that it is necessary to keep up with the Jones' but Kara and I could match! Our neighbor with twin boys loves her BOB!!!!
*We are saving hundreds of dollars a month previously spent on Cassidy's formula.
* My birthday is in May and so is Mother's day.........Have I convinced anyone that BOB is a McSharry family necessity and not a frivolous expenditure???????
The "boys" Jackson, Patrick, and Bentley

The "girls" Genevieve and Cassidy
Kara is a great antagonist for baby related gear I think I need. She is the stroller queen (currently she has eight!) The one stroller I have is not designed for is more of a mall type contraption. So what do we NEED? A jogging stroller with a swivel wheel, cup holders, and cushioned seats. The Cadillac of joggers, the greatest invention of all time..........the BOB. BOB comes with quite a hefty price tag, Cadillac's after all aren't cheap.
We went for a walk yesterday with Kara and the kidlets........and her brand new BOB. The boys rode in the Peg Perego and the girls had the luxury of BOB. It was love at first ride!!!
How am I going to justify this large expenditure?
* I have taken the babies on daily walks since the sun has appeared (4 days in a row now!)
* We are doing the heart run on Saturday..........and could use BOB for many other races
*I used to run.........I can become an avid jogger! Exercise is good!
*Getting out of the house keeps me sane (and who wants to live with an insane mommy?)
*If I use the jogger for three summers (it has a 100lb weight capacity) that would only be $100 per summer..........if I sell it on craigslist for $150 when our family is done with it.
*All of the large baby items we have needed thus far have been given to us or purchased secondhand. Don't the babies (and their mommy) deserve something new? (If a BOB appeared on craigslist I would snap it up in a heartbeat.........but so far there haven't been any)
*BOB can be used in the winter!
*I would never be alone with the babies...........I'd have BOB:)
*Not that it is necessary to keep up with the Jones' but Kara and I could match! Our neighbor with twin boys loves her BOB!!!!
*We are saving hundreds of dollars a month previously spent on Cassidy's formula.
* My birthday is in May and so is Mother's day.........Have I convinced anyone that BOB is a McSharry family necessity and not a frivolous expenditure???????
The "girls" Genevieve and Cassidy
Wipe Boy
What baby doesn't love diaper wipes? While Cassidy and Patrick both crawl straight for the wipes when they are out, Patrick can open the wipes and pull out as many as he pleases. Don't worry the wipes are not wasted! They can easily be stuffed back in. Here is Patrick having a little fun after his bath. Naked and free reign of the wipes, he is in baby heaven!

Patrick's attachment to his father is growing daily. In the morning he babbles DaDa.........Da...........DaDa! He then proceeds to crawl around as Steve gets ready for work...........a mini Steve shadow. Into the shower with Daddy (he LOVES to play in the bath), the closet for his tie and suit, back to the bathroom to brush his teeth, over to the desk to check on work, and then the hallway to say good-bye. He then pitifully sits (or lately stands) muttering DaDa..........Da........DaDa as Steve walks out the door and drives off to work. The poor guy will sit there for ten minutes ........DaDa.....DaDa.......DaDa!!!!!!
While Patrick is our residential pull-up to a stand pro this is Cassidy's first real attempt at the latest family trick. Don't they look adorable?
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Ode to Soy
Before you get too excited about my ode, it is purely metaphorical. I'm not that creative!
While uploading the many pictures I compulsively take of the babies I was sidetracked. is my favorite store (let me clarify online store before Fred Meyer thinks I would dare cheat on them!).........where else do you get free shipping that actually is free to Anchorage? Costco I must say is a close second. I was perusing through their baby items when the thought dawned on me $30 for 16oz's of Alimentum or $33 for 36oz's of soy? What would preclude us from trying soy? Cassidy has a milk why are we spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on this awful smelling (and tasting) formula???? For no reason other than the fact that the Doctor said to give her the expensive stuff!!!!!!!!! Not a great reason I decided and so soy is our new best friend. So far Cass seems to be doing well and Steve is letting me leave a few more lights on:)
While uploading the many pictures I compulsively take of the babies I was sidetracked. is my favorite store (let me clarify online store before Fred Meyer thinks I would dare cheat on them!).........where else do you get free shipping that actually is free to Anchorage? Costco I must say is a close second. I was perusing through their baby items when the thought dawned on me $30 for 16oz's of Alimentum or $33 for 36oz's of soy? What would preclude us from trying soy? Cassidy has a milk why are we spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on this awful smelling (and tasting) formula???? For no reason other than the fact that the Doctor said to give her the expensive stuff!!!!!!!!! Not a great reason I decided and so soy is our new best friend. So far Cass seems to be doing well and Steve is letting me leave a few more lights on:)
One Stair At a Time
Patrick conquered his first step today! He has been trying to get from the laundry area to the hallway for a few days. It was nice to know I could fold laundry and have him happily stay semi secure with his own clothes pile. Today he discovered how to escape and take off down the hall! We really need to get those baby gates!
Almost there!
Down the hall I go
Cassidy, Patrick, & Mommy during story time yesterday
Almost there!
Cassidy, Patrick, & Mommy during story time yesterday
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Strawberries = Bath Time
Yesterday the twins tried strawberries for the first time. While the strawberries were a huge success they were also quite messy! Normally when the babies get baths I put Patrick in to play and then get in the bath with Cassidy to keep her from scratching herself. The babies were such disasters I threw them both in together. Cassidy enjoyed the freedom to claw at herself and Patrick liked the toys.........and perhaps the company of his sister?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The babies have progressively become more and more attached to their mommy. Cassidy started crying this weekend if I left a room and soon Patrick decided he needed his mommy at all times too. They have even braved the wood floors to get to me (previously uncharted territory). If I leave the play room they both start crying mama and start furiously crawling after me. Eventually they catch me, tears streaming down their cheeks, and each end up at one of my feet. MaMa....MAMA they cry soon as they are in my arms they are all smiles. 
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Patrick and Cassidy both stood for the first time! Patrick is MUCH better than Cassidy, his legs are stronger, and his attention span seems longer (at least today!).
Look at me!
Wood tastes good!
I may look like I'm smiling but I'm really screaming.......and in the process of falling over
Playing before bed.
We love blocks!
Friday, April 11, 2008
8 Months of Joy!
The twins have had colds which have gotten progressively worse over the last week or so. Patrick is the worst with a raspy cough and heavy panting you can hear from across the room. He also has been pulling at his right ear quite a bit the past few days. We went to the doctor to get the twins checked out..........I didn't want Patrick to have a ruptured ear drum! The doctor said he had a virus, his ears looked great, and sent us on our merry way. The big news from the visit was how much the babies weigh. The size gap is widening!!! Patrick weighed 19lbs 5oz and Cassidy weighed 15lbs 5oz!!!!!!!!
To celebrate the twins 8 month birthday I've been trying to think of all the amazing things they have learned this month. Here is my list.........
Patrick is our clicker. He loves to click when he is happy. Cassidy makes raspberries (blowing her lips) and "talks" to herself all the time. They both say mommy and dada. Cassidy says baba. Cassidy pants when she gets excited.
They both crawl. Cassidy is much faster than Patrick and they stay on the carpet.......for some reason the wood floor is uncharted territory. Cords are fascinating and they will crawl at triple speed to get to them. If mommy leaves they both (Cassidy especially) try to catch her.
The doctor gave me really fun sticks!
My ear still hurts:(
I can crawl on my hands and knees now!

I got you mommy!!!!!
To celebrate the twins 8 month birthday I've been trying to think of all the amazing things they have learned this month. Here is my list.........
Patrick is our clicker. He loves to click when he is happy. Cassidy makes raspberries (blowing her lips) and "talks" to herself all the time. They both say mommy and dada. Cassidy says baba. Cassidy pants when she gets excited.
They both crawl. Cassidy is much faster than Patrick and they stay on the carpet.......for some reason the wood floor is uncharted territory. Cords are fascinating and they will crawl at triple speed to get to them. If mommy leaves they both (Cassidy especially) try to catch her.
Patrick can pull his head over the side of the crib........when I come into get him after nap time he is peering over the edge of his crib with a huge grin.
They sleep in separate cribs now.
They love their pacifiers.........and develop a keen interest in the one the other baby currently has.
Their favorite toys are blocks, their tent, and all of their button toys (sounds are great!)
They hold their own bottles
We have a strict bedtime! We have a routine! They sleep through the night!! (well mostly)
As you can see this month the babies have learned quite a bit! We can't wait to see what surprises next month brings.
I got you mommy!!!!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Grandma brought over blocks a few days ago and they are a huge hit! There are wooden blocks, plastic blocks, & fabric blocks. Some of them have the ABC's some of them squeak, and some of them have mirrors!
Patrick knocking down a block wall!
Patrick takes an interest in whatever Cassidy is playing with!He pushes the block out of her grasp.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Camera Withdrawals!
Sunday we had dinner with Aunt Jenna. I did the unthinkable.........forgot my camera!!! All day today I've wanted to take pictures of this or that (the babies do so many cute picture worthy things!). Aunt Jenna sensed my acute pain and was kind enough to drop it by Steve's work. By dinner time all was right in the world once more:) Thank you Jennifer!!!!
Mima & Papa gave the twins these T-shirts when they were born. At the time they looked so gargantuan I couldn't imagine them ever fitting. Well the day has come.........and almost gone for Patrick. Cooperation didn't really happen and as is usual Patrick smiled and Cassidy scratched. We'll have to schedule a re-do!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Story Time for Babies!

Friday, April 4, 2008
Steve Jr?
When I was a few months pregnant my mother-in-law gave me the outfit Steve was baptized in. Wanting to make sure it was taken care of I safely tucked it away. The problem with safely tucking it away was that I couldn't remember the safe place......... It has finally been found and thankfully Patrick still fits in it (although it is getting a bit snug!!!) Hopefully we can find a picture of Steve and compare the two.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Daddy's Gone:(
Steve had to fly out to a business meeting today; and unfortunately for us had to spend the night. I set out to document the babies day by doing a small scale amateur photo shoot. The only problem with my decision was the babies didn't quite agree with my idea. They have a bit of a cold and when it comes to cooperation just didn't seem to be much in the mood. Patrick was crying in the morning and Cassidy was happy, then Patrick was happy after his nap and Cassidy (who cried through her nap) was grumpy. I managed to get a few good shots of both in good different times. There just wasn't an opportunity to have two happy babies at the same time today. Shouldn't they know I'm outnumbered and show a little compunction? They think not. 

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