Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blood, Screaming, and the Doctor

You may have guessed Cassidy was the culprit again. I looked down just in time to see Cassidy latched onto Patrick's lower lip, jaw tightly clenched, the glimmer of her white teeth protruding from his mouth. "STOP!" I screamed. Patrick was madly trying to escape her deathly grip, but the harder he tried to push her away, the deeper his wound became. Still tightly latched on, her eyes raised to surmise my glare. She let go. The blood began to flow. I quickly picked Patrick up, grabbed a wash cloth, and tried to survey the damage. Simultaneously comforting and prodding Patrick's lip to make sure the puncture hadn't gone completely through, I cast Cassidy a withering look and said, "Don't bite!"

Ice wasn't helping and Patrick's lip was getting bigger by the second. With his lip still gushing blood, I called the doctor, and was told to come in immediately. We somehow made it to the doctor's office where the receptionist laughed at the sight of little Cassidy smiling contentedly on her side of the stroller next to a much larger Patrick who had quite the fat lip and tears in his eyes. "I guess that will teach him not to mess with her, " she said, chuckling again. The doctor proclaimed he didn't need stitches, but proscribed antibiotics for five days. He also gave Cassidy a stern lecture and said he was adding this incident to his book. I suppose this means all twins don't bite.

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