Monday, September 22, 2008

The Best Bibs Ever!

Who every thought I'd be so excited about a bib? Well let me tell you, after months of changing clothes multiple times a day and spending hours diligently scouring outfits with stain remover I am excited, I am elated, I am exuberant! I found the best bibs ever!

These bibs have long sleeves! Not only does this keep pesky crumbs and pureed surprises from adding a touch of color to my children's clothing but these same sleeves prevent Cassidy from clawing at her arms.

These bibs have ties! Velcro, in my humble opinion, is over rated. Patrick easily whisks his bib off with an efficient toss of the arm. Cassidy works a bit harder, but in time her bib joins her brother's on the floor. They have the audacity to think this is funny! I'd like to see them try to undo a double knotted tie!

These bibs are waterproof! Not only does this mean their outfits stay dry but they can easily be wiped down for their next use. This saves at least a load of laundry a week in bibs alone.

Now that I've lobbied by case, I wonder if Steve is ever going to ask how much these miracle bibs cost?

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