As we packed up Sunday, it would be the last time until next Memorial Day weekend. We waved goodbye to Homer, hooked the camper up, and headed out to Seward. The babies were in a very cooperative mood for most of the trip. We had to pull the camper which slowed us down, there was a mass of fourth of July traffic, and we had to drive all the way into Seward to drop the camper off. By the time we hit Portage the screaming began. In most cases this would be a relatively short hour long migraine. Unfortunately, for us, we hit a standstill outside of Girdwood (there was an accident) and the never ending drive almost didn't end. Cassidy had broken her third tooth the night before, Patrick was hungry, we were out of formula, and Steve and I were about to go insane! Finally, eight and a half hours after we left Homer we pulled into our driveway. It had never felt so good to be home!!!!!!!!
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