They each have three teeth.........well really 2 1/2. They are getting their teeth within a few days of each other and amazingly enough the same teeth. Other twin mother's I have talked to say their children's teeth seem to come in with no correlation to the other twin (fraternals). The top right tooth has been the latest addition.
Patrick took his first steps! He stands for longer periods of time now but is still trying to figure out how to support his body weight on his own.
Cassidy is an expert stair climber-up and down. Bad mommy me, I let me children play on the stairs (supervised of course). They are entertained for long periods of time and love to rest on the landing and take window slobbering breaks. Cassidy can go up and down quite proficiently while Patrick can only go up. He then stares down forlornly as Cassidy expertly scoots back down to play on the landing. I have no doubt it is a matter of days until he too can scoot back down. Until than it is rather amusing to watch Cassidy gleefully go down just to tease her brother.
Patrick's shoe fetish is more pronounced. He loves shoes, only flat ones, and mine are his current favorites. I've been wearing heals around lately, they are the only ones left by the door. Yes, twins, two pre-teens (Payton and my nephew), the library, and heels........I've been getting a few strange glares. Patrick is very particular about how his shoes are on his hands. They have to be the opposite of how one would normally wear a pair of shoes. If you try to correct the shoes on his hands he gives you a look of disdain as if you have no idea what you are doing. He waits until you are done and then re-arranges his shoes and goes on his merry way. Clump, clump, clump, clump.
The one year mark is rapidly approaching and as Steve loves to tease me my babies will no longer be babies. 
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