Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chari Lake

Our good family friends, the McPheters, invited us to their cabin last weekend. They only get to visit their cabin a few nights a year and rarely invite visitors, we felt quite privileged to be extended the invitation. They raved about the cabin's calm, serene ambiance and beautiful views.

Enter the McSharry family with two teething twins.

We (the four parents) stayed up until almost two enjoying the campfire with accompanying wildlife, scenery, and adult conversation. The twins, woke up at 5AM on the dot and didn't stop screaming for four hours..............I think one or two grown-ups may have indulged in spiked coffee to try and remain sane.

I have ever been so embarrassed about my children's behavior in my life. They were awful. They were terrible. They cried, and cried, and cried.........................I think you get the picture.

The poor McPheters did not get to enjoy the serene beauty of their cabin .............heck they didn't get to enjoy a serene moment! The next time they invite visitors up north, it is safe to say said visitors will not have babies in tow!!!

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