Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fun in Fairbanks...

We had our first adventure to Fairbanks this weekend for Payton's hockey team. His team was taking a bus and Steve and I decided to spare the kids and parents the wrath of the twins on the six hour drive.
The first sign of trouble was the high wind warning through the pass we were supposed to drive through. The second was when our power went out as we tried to rush the family out the door. As we pulled onto the Parks Highway Steve jokingly reminded me of the family who was stranded a few years back in a snowstorm..............then the snow began to pelt the windshield. We drove in white out conditions, the defrost on high, peering out the windshield trying to determine where exactly the road was. Who ever would have thought the first weekend in October would bring a snowstorm!!! Eight and a half hours later we thankfully pulled into Fairbanks.
Payton's team did really well in all their games. They had five games in three days and won all but one! I was so busy chasing the twins around that the only pictures I took were of the kids playing the hotel room:(

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