The twins had their one year check up today. Patrick weighed in at 22lbs 3oz while Cassidy came in at 17lbs 10oz. She is barely holding onto the growth curve but the good news is that she's still on it! Our chunky monkey is only in the 42nd percentile which surprised us all; he's come a long way from his 5lbs 9oz birth weight.
Patrick's Growth Chart

Cassidy's Growth Chart

Height wise the twins are both holding true to their percentiles. Cassidy is in the 6th percentile for height coming in at 27 inches while Patrick is 30 inches skyrocketing to the 59th percentile!
With the check up came the dreaded shots. The babies cried and Payton and I felt their pain. At least they are done for three months!!!
1 comment:
pretty charts! do your guys have a 15 month well baby visit?? i feel jipped! we go from 12 months to 18 months?
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