Sunday, June 1, 2008

Garden Days

I have always loved flowers. They look gorgeous, they smell wonderful, and they add such personality to a home. Until today I admired flowers from afar; now we are very proud flower owners. While I had always admired flowers I never knew ANYTHING about them. Today our family went to Bell's Nursery and wandered around the greenhouse overflowing with every imaginable flower. My fellow shoppers seemed to walk those flower rows with such purpose and confidently filled their carts with mountains of color. Our family wandered around and I tentatively began to pick and fill our cart. My basis for choosing these flowers...........well they looked pretty.
When we got home I enthusiastically put the babies outside to play and began to plant my precious purchases. A few hours later, covered in dirt, I smiled at Steve and declared, "We have our very first garden!" He nodded, and not wanting to completely deflate me said, "The flowers look great, but I think you need some vegetables to constitute a garden." Well regardless of what we have; I love the added color and perhaps next year I'll throw in a few veggies so we will officially have a garden.

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