Wednesday, June 11, 2008

10 Months!

The twins are 10 months old today. It seems like every month that passes goes more quickly then the last. Sometimes I wish I could press pause and relish their current stage, the chubby fingers and legs, the adorable baby smiles, that look of recognition when I enter a room..........then screaming ensues and once again I come to my senses.
So what exciting things have happened this month? The twins both have their first tooth! As long as there is something to hold onto they can walk! They zoom around the L shaped couch, the fireplace hearth, and tall toys. They both have started to sit with one knee bent underneath their bottoms and the other leg in an upright position. As soon as they put some force into that downward foot they will learn how to stand on their own!
The differences between boys and girls have become more distinct this month. Patrick loves to bang things around. The cups in the bath tub, toys on the fireplace, and his latest favorite- his toy hammer against the wall. He has become very attached to this hammer and once I even let him take it to bed. Later, from downstairs, I heard banging on the wall coming from above. Knowing Patrick was the culprit I peaked in the nursery door to discover Patrick standing in his crib happily banging away on the wall. Was he trying to let me know he was NOT ready for a nap? He gave up eventually and fell asleep, chubby fingers still firmly clutching his green plastic hammer. Patrick also loves buttons, the TV and anything else electronic is wonderful. In a not so manly interest he has developed quite the shoe fetish this month. Who needs toys when there is an entire array of shoes by the door. His favorites? His daddy's black shiny work shoes and great grandmother's red shiny shoes. A pink blanket and a shoe fetish? Hmmmm...........

He also loves his dad's baseball hats. He will drag them around the entire house. Such determination is astounding to me. If there is a toy he wants he will get that very same toy. Don't try to distract him with something else. Once he sets his mind on something watch out world if he doesn't get it. I can already envision temper tantrums at the grocery store!
Cassidy seems so much more girly......and surprise surprise she is one. If she finds a toy that has particularly struck her fancy she will casually crawl away with it in her hand. Then she will sit, with her back to Patrick, and play with her treasure. She has learned that anything she has, he wants, and instead of fighting back she has devised her own clever way around her brother. When Patrick does possessively steal her toys away she crawls off and finds something new to play with. She never gets mad, or cries, or seems phased in the least.........that is unless he steals her pacifier! Cassidy loves bubbles, books, and her wooden activity cube. She studies the world, taking everything in. Those large cornflower blue eyes already seem so wise. I can already tell she will think before she acts, even now I feel like I can watch her thought process. Those eyes survey and size up whatever situation she finds herself in. She won't let just anybody hold her. She has to know the person, and not just know them, but like them. Patrick will leap to anyone with a smile, no second thoughts. She is so reserved and "proper".......can I use that word to describe a baby?

Next month may hold standing and possibly walking. No matter what happens it is sure to be exciting!

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