Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Little Miss Allergy & Her scratch Proof Suit
Monday, January 28, 2008
Mema & Papa withdrawals
My mother in law happens to be a domestic goddess and Steve and Payton are used to having things done the way that Mema does them. Judy quickly became (and still is) my go to expert for everything domestic. Payton asked me the other day what I was going to do when Mema and Papa were out of town. "What do you mean," I asked. "Well who is going to answer all of your questions?" he said. I almost started to cry.
Judy must be a saint. I call her at least a few times a day.........why won't my rolls rise?(apparently they need to be covered), what kind of peas do you use? (canned, the boys won't eat the frozen ones). How do you cook a roast? (I've yet to make a successful roast although I keep trying) and the list of mundane questions goes on and on. She never gets annoyed with me and always answers my questions without making me feel like an idiot (I mean who doesn't know that yeast likes to be warm!). Needless to say it's going to be a challenge to survive the next few months without my lifeline.
Today we were officially out of food.........no milk, no lunch meat, nothing edible that would constitute a meal. Every Monday since the twins were born they have gone to Mema and Papa's while I go to the grocery store and run errands. This was our first Monday with Mema and Papa gone, what was I going to do? Lucky for me Payton is a lifesaver. He pushed the twins around the store in the stroller as I went around with the cart and loaded up on food.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
My Ear hurts!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Just a few pictures...
Friday, January 11, 2008
We're 5 Months Old!!!!!
How quickly time has flown by. The twins are officially five months old! They have grown quite a bit in the past few months.........Patrick has gone from 5lbs 9oz to approximately 16lbs and Cassidy has gone from 5lbs 13oz to 13lbs 8oz. It is amazing to think that Patrick was ever smaller than his sister! Sitting is something that we are still working on and Patrick has the upper hand so far sitting for up to two minutes at a time. Cassidy is still more interested in arching her back and is better at attempting to roll over. Neither of them has quite figured out how to roll over but they try! I have high hopes that in the coming months they will become quite efficient at both............then again do I really want to encourage the precursors to mobilization?