Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Friday Patrick's nose began to run a bit. No big deal, I figured he was getting a cold as he was his normal playful self all day. Fast forward to Friday night; he had spiked a 102 degree fever, was coughing so hard he could barely breathe (it sounded more like a bark), and refused to drink anything. He was awake (and so were we) most of the night struggling to breathe in between fits of coughing.

He still had a fever in the morning and I decided it was time to call the doctor. Steve even agreed he needed to be seen! (He usually thinks I'm a hypochondriac when it comes to the babies, so if he said it, Patrick was extremely ill!) Two hours later we were in the by now familiar waiting room at the doctor's. Patrick was so pitifully sick, his eyes were glazed over, he lay still on my chest, feverishly hot, and every breathe was a wheeze. When the doctor finally saw us she proclaimed his airways inflamed and even had to give him a steroid shot:( She said if that didn't seem to help we were to go straight to the emergency room!

Well, today is Tuesday and Patrick still isn't eating. He is back in his own crib, although he still is plagued by bouts of coughing throughout the night. Hopefully he'll bounce back in time for Thanksgiving!

Meanwhile Cassidy is happy as a clam with a slight runny nose.........no Croup for her! The doctor was convinced I'd be in the office the next day with Cassidy..............where did all her wonderful antibodies come from??? You'd think they'd be the same in twins!

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