We have an annual zoo pass. In my mind expenditures such as this need to be justified. If the pass cost x amount of dollars then we need to go at least x amount of times to break even. While we have definitely justified the zoo pass, today's visit confirmed my math. When we entered and gave the attendant our name she said, "I remember you, go ahead" and in we went.
Ahhh, to feel like a VIP at the zoo!
BOB, as you already know, was a large expenditure that I continually try to justify as well. I try to use him at least once a day and more if the opportunity presents itself. Today in a combined effort to save gas, use BOB, get some exercise, and enjoy the sun we walked/jogged to the zoo. We were meeting Kara and the kids there. After setting out and walking for a few minutes it suddenly dawned on me that perhaps the zoo was farther than I had envisioned. A quick call to Kara to relay the message that we might be running late, followed by a "Are you crazy? The zoo is three miles away!" soon confirmed that we would be late. In an effort to hurry, I ran the straights and downhills and
power walked the uphills. The zoo is three miles diagonally uphill so to say the least I was a bit tired when we finally arrived. We had fun and got to see the
Siberian tigers, our newest arrivals. Going home was sheer downhill bliss.
Here are a few pictures of the babies during bath time tonight. They had an introduction to bubbles!