Monday, February 11, 2008

Six Month Check-Up

Today the twins are six months old. It's amazing to think six months has gone by so quickly yet I can't imagine life without the babies. Our six month appointment was supposed to be at 3:20 today however after being shown into our "room" the nurses disappeared for an hour! Who leaves two parents (thank goodness Steve was there!) and two hungry babies alone for that long? Finally the doctor came and checked the babies. They are doing quite well, although Steve and I are convinced Patrick must be larger than the 50th percentile. He is just so chunky.......and his shirts hardly stretch over his head! He smiled and cooed for the doctor and was proclaimed to be in perfect health.
Poor little Cassidy decided to go scratch crazy during her nap today and so I took her to the doctor pretty bloody. Her ear, head, and knee were really bad. Although not exactly encouraging the doctor said the worst case of eczema he has seen lasted for three years. I can't imagine scratching and itching like this for three years!!!!!!!!!!!! The one part of her body which was problem free happened to be her little butt however the medicine for her ear infection gave her really bad diarrhea and despite my best Desitin efforts she now has terrible diaper rash. So the only skin that doesn't have problems are the soles of her feet and palms of her hands. I feel so bad for her!
My greatest challenge lately has been how to evenly divide my time between the two babies. Patrick was the cranky "needy" baby for the first three to four months of his life and now is the most content happiest baby around. Cassidy on the other hand started out content and happy and as her skin has gotten progressively worse has become very clingy. It is really hard because I know how miserable she is and I just want to try and make her as comfortable as possible. At the same time it isn't fair for me to spend more time holding her than her brother. Ahh, the challenges of twins.

Here are the official stats:

Weight: 16 lbs 9 oz (25%-50%)
Height: 26 inches (25%-50%)
Head size: 44cm (50%)

Weight: 14lbs 5oz (10%-25%)
Height: 25 inches (25%)
Head size: (25%-50%)

1 comment:

Kara said...

he has Jackson beat - but only by a few ounces!! :-)