Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Week in Review

Last week was full of excitement. We went to Mima's on Monday, Bouncin' Bears on Tuesday, discovered the brown bears had woken up at the zoo on Wednesday, enjoyed stories and songs at the library on Thursday, and had a blast at H2oasis on Friday. It's a workout keeping up with these kids!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Too Cute

Happy 12th Birthday Payton!

Payton turned 12 today! We can't believe how fast he is growing up! It was strange to think that this is the last year he'll have cupcakes at school.........middle school here he comes. Pate had a band concert and looked so grown up and handsome in his suit!

Monday, March 15, 2010


Steve built a hockey rink in our backyard this fall. Payton and his friends have been having a ball all winter and every once in awhile the twins venture out to join in the excitement. Cassidy lasts for five minutes flat while Patrick will stay out as long as the older boys do. He is quite comical with his stick that matches Payton's.........he wants to be just like his brother.

Spring Break

We took advantage of Nana and Uncle Andrew not having school and went out to lunch with them!
We checked out Bounce with Keegan and Carson.

We stopped by Kindergym and despite the crowds Patrick managed to secure his favorite scooter.

And most importantly I fit Cassidy's hair into her first real ponytail!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

First Sleepover

Patrick spent the night at his Mima's house Monday, his first sleepover. Payton was with him and he had a blast. I on the other hand was a nervous wreck.

I asked Patrick his favorite thing about his sleepover, his reply, "the cereal." I give the children organic cheerios for breakfast with the occasional banana, yogurt, or bagel and cream cheese thown in the mix. Mima introduced Patrick to Lucky Charms. What two year old wouldn't be excited?

"What did you do at Mima's?" I probed
"Ummm, we played games"
"We looked out the windows"
"We had snacks"
"I saw Uncle Jimmy"
"He plowed"
"I had two cookies"
"I played with my rubber ducky in the bathtub"
"I slept in Mima's big bed"

I'm sure this is the first of many sleepovers............the twins are growing up so fast!

Hockey Weekend

Payton's state tournament was Friday-Sunday this past weekend in Wasilla. The boys played hard and came in 2nd. While the boys were tired from playing five games, the parents were equally tired from making the valley commute three days in a row! With the conclusion of the state tournament hockey is officially over until August and Payton has a break until baseball begins. Spring is just around the corner!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Great Alaska Train Show

Patrick has been obsessed with trains lately and so we loaded up and took advantage of our last day to view The Great Alaska Train Show. Patrick insisted on wearing his train sweater for the outing and proudly showed it off. There was a lot of choo chooing and wide eyes as the trains passed by. Cassidy humored her brother but made it clear this was not her idea of a great outing. What to do about little princesses.................

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Zoo

With the weather in the balmy 30's we ventured to the zoo this morning. Jake, Bentley, and Viva joined us for some fun and the kids ran around for over two hours! While the kids enjoyed the animals, they were far more interested in the excitement of running from one animal attraction to the next. They are blissfully sleeping, the true sign of a successful morning activity.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Arts and Crafts

Today we visited the Spenard Recreation Center to try their story time and craft hour. It turned out to be a big hit! The twins loved the story and had lots of fun making cat masks. We may have to make this a weekly event!

Fur Rondy Fun

March 1st is almost as good as January 1st for making resolutions and I'm attempting to get back into the swing of blogging. This weekend Steve and I took the twins downtown for the Fur Rondy fun. Parking spaces were few and far between and we ended up having quite a hike to the parade. Thank goodness for BOB! The weather had been balmy and in the 30's earlier in the week but Saturday the temperature took a dip down to 15 with a blistering wind. The kids didn't seem to mind the cold and enjoyed all the floats and entertainment.
After the parade we ducked into the mall for a quick bite to eat and to warm up!We walked around downtown taking in the many booths and carnival rides. Then it was off to see the finish of the sled dog races. Patrick was enthralled with the dogs and would have preferred to stay and watch all afternoon. Cassidy, however, was not quite as obliging and let everyone know it was well past her nap time.

We had a great day and look forward to more fun next weekend!