Wednesday, March 18, 2009

mine, Mine, MINE!!!!!!!!!!

Payton likes to tell the twins which things are his and which are theirs. "This is mine," he'll patiently say, "Play with the ball, it is yours!" I had purposely been avoiding the use of this wonderfully possessive pronoun. Instead, I had opted for naming things, Daddy's, Payton's, Mamma's, etc. This approach seemed to work without too many fights breaking out.

Today the inevitable began, "Mine," Cassidy said, pointing to her water cup as Patrick drank out of it. "Mine," she said again, turning into a high pitched screech.

How about "Share?" You'd think she would have already figured out the downside of being a twin, nothing is really just yours. Oh well, one of these days she'll learn the inequalities in life. Until then, her world is black and white. This is mine, that is yours her little mind reasons. Poor Patrick better back off before the teeth and claws come out!

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