Thursday, February 12, 2009

"I'm Stuck!"

Patrick has developed an odd catch phrase that is used multiple time throughout the day. "I'm Stuck," (I stuuk) he says calmly and than gets louder and much more pathetic sounding as I search the house for him. The first time I heard him say this, I thought it was an accident (I'm certainly not "stuck" frequently!), where would he have picked up this odd phrase? Now I've learned he has encountered something he cannot seem to pull off his rings that are supposed to be stacked, shoes that are too large and have straps, plastic bins, and the list goes on. How do I convince him if he can move, he isn't "stuck?"


Tammy said...

ha ha, I love it!!! Maybe you can move him when he thinks he's stuck, like pick up his feet and make him you get it? Alrighty well I hope you guys are having a good time in Fairibanks!

CChapman said...

Try using the word help when he says stuck. That way he learns to ask for help when he is stuck.

I have no idea, I'm in the same boat as you!