Monday, August 29, 2011

Fair 2011

It was a beautiful, sunny day, and Steve took the day off work to take the family to the fair. We had a blast and stayed the entire day. The highlight for the twins was getting their faces painted, petting the animals, running wild in the sun, and going on rides. James was a good natured toddler and rode in the stroller most of the day, he loved his first merry-go-round ride, devoured an ice cream cone, and took a long overdue nap. Pate was a trooper and enjoyed eating tons of fair food, going on rides with Steve and I, playing with the kids, and shooting a few hockey pucks. Steve did his annual tour of the 5th wheel/ campers, and I was able to sneak into the quilt show. Overall a family fun filled day.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Making a Comeback

Wow, over a year since I last made a post. We purchased a new computer and I am once again trying to keep up with the blog. This time I'm confident it will be much easier to find the time.......
This week Payton started 8th grade, time is flying by.
He is still playing hockey, just started xc-running, is keeping up with the trumpet, and hopefully will have another year of great grades. We are really proud of him!

The twins just turned 4! They had a pirate and princess party to celebrate and start their second year of preschool in September. It is amazing how quickly they are growing! Patrick started playing hockey last year and Cassidy took up dance.

James is over a year old, walking, talking, and definitely not a baby anymore. He wants to be a part of the action and is into everything he can get his little hands on. He has a happy personality and we are lucky to have such an even tempered and easy going child.