Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day! We love you!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Sun!

I have been shirking my blogging duties, but oh do I have excuses. It is summer in Alaska with sun and 70+ degree days, out of town relatives, camping trips, baseball games, hockey camp, and sleepovers. We've sure been having a wonderful summer!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How long will the sun last????

Last May was delightful, wonderful, stupendous even! There was sun and it was warm.........suddenly June came along with rain and clouds and cold and with that summer was over. Hopefully this summer will different and we will continue to play outside every day and discover new parks and trails.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Flat Top

Let there be light........and even some warmth!!!

The last week or so has been amazing! We have had sun and record setting temperatures! Hopefully this is the start to an incredible summer.
We've done a number of fun things outside: discovered multiple playgrounds, spent many hours in BOB, and even took a day trip down to Girdwood!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New Chairs

Are you above free hand me downs? I'm not! I love them!!!!!!! Today we had a glorious find, two Disney Pooh and Eeyore chairs. The kids love them and whenever I get my camera battery back from Kara I just might take a picture of them!

Heart Run 2009

Payton came home from school quite excited one day with a bright gold "Heart Run" flyer. Huffman Elementary School, apparently, is very competitive about getting the most participants on a team. The school had won the trophy every year..........until last year.........when Bayshore Elementary stole it away. This year the students, Payton among them, were determined to get it back. Naturally the entire family needed to participate and the five of us signed up. Huffman had 450 runners sign up this year.......tomorrow we'll find out if that was enough to win!

Fast forward to this morning when I drug myself out of bed at 7AM to start getting everyone ready for said event. I must say I was enthusiastic filling out the paper work but not so enthusiastic about crawling out of my warm cocoon. Payton was a bundle of energy and couldn't wait to park the car and find the starting line (this is the same kid who usually has to be drug out the door to run). There were thousands of people lining up to start the race, squishing in on every side of us. The twins took it all in without tears, and Payton's class seemed to magnet to BOB. When the gun went off and we all took off I realized that the twins were going to slow me down. With so many people in front of us it was nearly impossible to even jog for the first mile. Payton happily ran ahead with his classmates as I was left behind to weave in and out of the throngs of people blocking the path in front of us. By the end of the first mile I managed to hit my stride and even found a fellow BOB buddy to jog with. Payton was impressive and ran all three miles, he even beat me!!!! I was really proud of the effort and enthusiasm he put into the race. We all had a great time. All three kids left with smiles, new hats, and medals. The Heart Run is definitely something we need to make into a family tradition.

Steve was planning on going with us, but he had a hockey game this morning. I'm sure he'll join the fun next year!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Story Time at the Zoo

The overachieving parent.............

I took the twins to the zoo for story time to meet Kara and the crew. We hadn't been there all winter. To be perfectly honest the thought of dressing two toddlers in their winter attire, loading them into the car, into the stroller, and then wrestling their hats and mittens off (and keeping track of them!) for fifteen minutes of story time (in which perhaps one minute was actually spent looking at the book) sounded like a lot of work! After story time the kids get to have an "animal encounter" so once more on with the boots, snowsuits, hats, and mittens................yeah right! Needless to say my children missed out on story time this winter. They love the zoo and enjoyed running around looking at the animals and, for me one set of getting everyone ready was doable. Can you imagine Kara and I herding five children three and under into all said winter accoutrements and keeping them all happy, and moving in the same direction? NOT HAPPENING!

This Wednesday we aimed high and took our herd to story time. It was a balmy 40 degrees, no hats, no mittens, just boots, and coats. Ahh, the joys of spring! They enjoyed the fox stories, and got to pet Chance (our resident fox). As we were walking to the car feeling quite impressed with ourselves for following through and taking the children on an exciting adventure, Kara overheard another parent say, "Are we ready to go to the library now?"

Are you kidding me, the library???????? What kind of overachieving parent takes their kids on more than one activity a day????????? The zoo and the library? Next it is going to be the zoo, the library, and H2Oasis all in the same day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Outside Fun

It is so nice to have daylight and warmth! We played outside and even built a snowman yesterday!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tattle Tale

Cassidy's vocabulary has exploded in the last few weeks. She came up to me the other day, big crocodile tears streaming down her face, with a large red welt on her forehead. "Patick, stick," she wailed pointing to her head. "Did Patrick hit you with his hockey stick?" I tried interpreting. She nodded her head vigorously, "Patick, stick," she said again pointing to her head.


Payton was messing around the other night and Steve had had enough. "One!" he said sternly, pausing to let Payton correct the situation before raising the bar with the next number. Patrick and Cassidy stopped what they were doing and stared wide eyed at their father. "Tooo," Patrick chimed in, looking innocently at his father (I think he thought Steve had forgotten which number came next), we all started laughing.

Lately the twins have wanted two of everything, there are two of them, they have two socks, they would like to have two crackers, two, two, two. It is the only number they can say, and until last night, I didn't know they had any idea what number it came after. I'll let you know when we get one, two, three!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cooped Up!

The kids have been cooped up in the house lately. Here are a few moments of freedom they had at the hockey rink and at the University Center. When it's really cold, the University Center is the perfect place to let them run. No people, rolling hallways (lots of ups and downs), and wonderfully round planters to chase each other on. Free fun for the family, and worn out twins in an hour flat!